Volunteer in the Library
Would you like to volunteer in the Groves library?
I would welcome your assistance on a weekly basis with jobs including:
- shelving books
- creating book displays
- designing bulletin boards
At each book fair, volunteers will be needed to run cash registers, assist shoppers, decorate, set-up, and take down.
If you are interested in volunteering in the library on a weekly basis or assisting with book fairs, please send an email to the librarian at charleen.bach@wylieisd.net or call 972-429-3471.
As a volunteer, you will be asked to do the following:
* Complete a background check
* Sign in at the front office. Please wear your name badge at all times.
* Please contact me if you are unable to volunteer at your established time. Voicemail, email or text are fine.
Thank you in advance! We love our Gator volunteers!