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Groves Elementary Library


Mrs. Charleen D Bach


I am excited to be the library specialist at Groves Elementary School. I have been working at Groves Elementary since 2014.

I grew up in Richmond, Virginia and went to school at Virginia Commonwealth University where I majored in Music Education.

I have four sons, Zachary, Tyler, Nathan and Austin. I have been married to my husband, Rodger, since 1991. I moved to Wylie in 2012 and have enjoyed every minute of it. I am an Aggie mom, Whoop!

I look forward to this school year!

Phone: 972-429-3471


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Music Education from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia

Library Check Out Agreement

  • All students are required to sign and return the library's Acceptance Agreement before they will be allowed to check out any books.

Check Out Policy

  • Students and teachers are encouraged to check out books from our library.

     Kindergarteners and 1st grade students check out one book per week, while 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders will be able to check out two books.

     During the fall, Kindergarteners will practice checking out books, being responsible, and caring for them.  They will be allowed to take their book home with them once they have "learned the ropes."  

    Refer to the  Gator Resource Calendar for your student's library day. 


    Late notices will be sent home with students that have overdue books.  There is no fine for overdue books.  The late notices are a reminder that a book has not been turned in and the student needs to search for the missing book or renew book. Students will not be able to check out another book till the overdue book is returned. 


Caring For Books

  • dog chewing book          

    Here are some tips on caring for your library books:
    • Keep food, drinks, babies, and pets away from your books.
    • Treat your books gently.
    • Report any book damage to the library staff so they may fix the book properly.
    • Use a bookmark for saving your place in a book. Do not fold the corners of the page or use a pencil to save your place.
    • Do not turn a book down on its “face” with the pages open.
    • Keep your books dry at all times. Carry water bottles in a separate bag, far away from your books. On rainy days, be sure to put your books in a backpack and make sure your backpack stays dry and off the ground.


Lost or Damaged Books

  • Occasionally, books are lost or damaged and must be replaced.  Students and their parents are responsible for replacing the lost or damaged book.

    After 30 days or more, we ask that you take care of replacement cost in a timely matter so that your student may continue checking out books.

    The price of the book will be noted on the past due notice or you may contact Charleen Bach at (972-429-3471).

    Payments for lost or damaged library books can be remitted to the library in the form of cash or check made payable to Groves Elementary. You may pay online with the following link:

Library Catalog

Sora E-books & Audiobooks

Online Payment for Lost/Damaged Books

Online Resources for Elementary Students and Staff