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Attendance Policy

The Texas Compulsory School Attendance Law requires that a student between the ages of 6 and 18 attend must attend school each day for the entire period that a school’s program of instruction is provided. School employees must investigate, report, and if necessary, prosecute violations of the state compulsory attendance law. 

According to the Texas Education Code 21.041, students must be in attendance 90% of the instructional days each semester to receive credit for any class. A student who attends fewer than 90% of the days the class is offered cannot receive credit for the class unless the attendance committee finds that the absences are the result of extenuating circumstances or allow the student to make up the time to restore credit.

Acceptable Excuse Notes (H2)

*Note: the school reserves the right to refuse any documentation that is deemed unacceptable*

1.        Doctor’s note - faxed or submitted to the attendance office. 

2.      Documentation from a court of law or other government entity that student was required to be present for - faxed or submitted to the attendance office.

3.      A handwritten note with a parent signature.

4.     Skyward Family Access - parent note(s) only. 


Adding Attendance Note(s) In Skyward: (H3)

o    Click on attendance tab from the main menu

o    Click Absent request button

o    Enter the date(s)

o    Select yes/no all-day absence (if only partial day specify the time of absence) 

o    Leave reason for absence in the comment section

o    Submit


All notes must include: (H3)

1.        Reason for the absence

2.      Date(s) of absence

3.      The phone number for verification

4.     Student’s school ID number

5.      Name and contact information of doctor or court (for doctor and court visits)


**If a student leaves early for any reason, they must still bring a note to get the absence excused. This includes if the parent checked them out in the front office


Partial Day Absence (Medical Excuse) (H2)

A temporary absence from an appointment with a health care professional for the student or the student’s child will be excused if the student commences or returns to school on the same day of the appointment. To be eligible for a medical excuse:


  • Student must attend at least one class on the day of the appointment.
  • Turn in documentation from the health care facility to the attendance office within 3 school days of returning to school.
  • If you have been absent for any reason, not including school-related, and for any portion** of the day you must bring a note to the Attendance Office (room 305) within 3 school days of returning to class.


Groves Elementary may refuse to accept parent notes as excused absences if absences are excessive as determined by the school administration.


Returning to School After an Absence (H2)

Upon returning to school after an absence, students must bring an acceptable excuse note (please see above), giving the reason for the absence, date(s) of the absence(s), and a telephone number for verification.

A student who is absent and does not provide proper documentation within 72 hours upon his/her return to school will have the absence recorded as unexcused.

When a student’s absence for personal illness exceeds five (5) consecutive days, the student shall present a statement from a doctor or health clinic verifying the illness or condition that caused the student’s extended absence from school. (District Local Code).

Please contact the attendance clerk with any questions PRIOR to your visit.

For questions about the Wylie ISD Attendance policy you may find additional information in the Student Handbook. 

Attendance Clerk

Julie Tardogno

Faculty Information

Groves Elementary
Front Office

Contact Information

School Email
School Phone